Darren Camp 

The child of  a Baptist choir leader father and singing piano playing mother, music has literally been a big part of Darren's life since birth. He was volunteered for choirs, quartets, trios, duets and of course, piano lessons which began at age 6. 

"It probably wasn't much of a surprise to anyone paying attention, when my personal taste in music became a hunger that went out looking for meals. Not to escape from gospel music, but to find more!" Darren said in an upcoming book (Summer 2020). I heard something in those very old country songs that I connected with. Then, when I heard folk, rock and blues, I changed. I could literally feel the emotions; it stirred me on a visceral level.

Raising kids and keeping them fed led away from making music very much but the desire to create original music with emotion and feeling never died. Better late than never, that quest is now well underway. There's no plans to stop creating any time soon, either, as work on Darren's 4th CD is progressing nicely. In the future, there will be more exciting and unique musical styles and lyrical work to look forward to (hint: some powerful collaborations are being discussed).